Thursday, 2 August 2012

Inspiring marketing and fundraising reads

With summer holidays just around the corner, here is a small selection of fundraising and marketing books that you might enjoy. 

Christian perspectives on fundraising 
  • A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen  - If you are new to Christian fundraising this is a great short read that can help you reflect on the relationship between giving and generosity, spiritual disciplines and God. 
  • Called to Give by David R. McCurry - Although this book is written from a US perspective there is plenty of food for thought in it for Christian fundraisers who want to better understand various aspects of the relationship between Christian charities, churches and evangelicals involved in mission. 
  • The Grace of Giving: 10 Principles of Christian Giving by John R. W. Stott - How do we decide what to give to church, to mission, to building projects, to aid and development? In what spirit do we give? This small booklet can help you think through responses to these questions and much more. Great stuff you can share with your charity's donors too. 
  • Why Christians Give?- Understanding the hearts and minds of 21st century evangelical donors by Redina Kolaneci - Some useful insights on attitudes and motivations of UK evangelical donors that can help you shape up your fundraising activities and resources. 

Great fundraising reads 

  • The Zen of Fundraising by Ken Burnett - A refreshing and inspiring book that is a must read for any fundraiser.
  • Fundraising Principles and Practice by Adrian Sargeant and Jen Shang - Ok, this maybe is not a holiday read but it is a very useful book for your office. Something you can read and discuss with your colleagues and draw wisdom from. 

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